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The Grateful Leader Quiz

Welcome to the Grateful Leader Quiz, an innovative tool designed to assess the expression and integration of gratitude amongst your organization’s leaders. (This is not meant to be a personal assessment.)
Through a small series of six focused questions, this quiz offers valuable insights into the current practices, and outlines areas of strength and improvement in fostering a culture of appreciation within your leadership team.
Let's embark on this eye-opening journey to better understand the leadership capabilities present on your team in creating a supportive, gratitude-infused environment.
Through a small series of six focused questions, this quiz offers valuable insights into the current practices, and outlines areas of strength and improvement in fostering a culture of appreciation within your leadership team.
Let's embark on this eye-opening journey to better understand the leadership capabilities present on your team in creating a supportive, gratitude-infused environment.
How effectively do your leaders acknowledge and appreciate team members' efforts in public forums like meetings or newsletters?

Using the scale below as a guide, choose the number to indicate how much you agree with it.

1 - Not At All Effectively
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2 - Not Effectively
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3 - Neutral
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4 - Effectively
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5 - Extremely Effectively
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How often do your leaders personally communicate their appreciation for employees’ contributions and efforts?

Using the scale below as a guide, choose the number to indicate how much you agree with it.

1 - Never
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2 - Rarely
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Always
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How often do your leaders implement employee feedback or suggestions?

Using the scale below as a guide, choose the number to indicate how much you agree with it.

1 - Never
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2 - Rarely
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Always
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Do your leaders always attribute those suggestions to the team members who proposed them?

Using the scale below as a guide, choose the number to indicate how much you agree with it.

1 - Never
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2 - Rarely
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3 - Sometimes
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4 - Often
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5 - Always
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How much do your leaders encourage and respect employee work-life balance and self-care?

Using the scale below as a guide, choose the number to indicate how much you agree with it.

1 - Not At All
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2 - Only a Little
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3 - To Some Extent
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4 - Rather Much
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5 - Very Much
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Your leaders actively support and create opportunities for employees to grow personally and professionally.

Using the scale below as a guide, choose the number to indicate how much you agree with it.

1 - Strongly Disagree
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2 - Disagree
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3 - Neutral
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4 - Agree
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5 - Strongly Agree
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Based upon the Grateful Leader Quiz results, it appears your leadership team falls into the category of Emerging Appreciator. This stage, although early, is essential as it's where the process of building a culture of gratitude begins.
Your leaders show initial signs of understanding the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation, albeit there's significant room for growth and development in this area. This is not a negative – it's an opportunity, and we applaud your initiative in taking the first step towards a foundational shift in your leadership approach.
In order to nurture your growth in this area, we recommend embarking on our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey. This program is specifically designed to help cultivate the quality of gratitude within the workplace. It provides a structured pathway towards integrating regular, genuine expressions of thanks into your leadership and corporate culture, fostering not only happier employees but also enhancing overall productivity and engagement.
Additionally, we urge you to explore the Grateful Leader 360™ tool, which you can access via https://gratefulleader360.com. This platform offers comprehensive feedback and insights on your current leadership style, highlighting both your strengths and areas for improvement in the realm of gratitude-led leadership. Combining it with our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey will give you the tools, perspective, and daily practices necessary to evolve from an Emerging Appreciator to a Gratitude Steward.
Remember, showing appreciation is about sincerely acknowledging the hard work of others, and in doing so, you pave the way for a culture of mutual respect, collaboration, and loyalty. We look forward to partnering with you on this transformative journey.
Your leaders show initial signs of understanding the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation, albeit there's significant room for growth and development in this area. This is not a negative – it's an opportunity, and we applaud your initiative in taking the first step towards a foundational shift in your leadership approach.
In order to nurture your growth in this area, we recommend embarking on our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey. This program is specifically designed to help cultivate the quality of gratitude within the workplace. It provides a structured pathway towards integrating regular, genuine expressions of thanks into your leadership and corporate culture, fostering not only happier employees but also enhancing overall productivity and engagement.
Additionally, we urge you to explore the Grateful Leader 360™ tool, which you can access via https://gratefulleader360.com. This platform offers comprehensive feedback and insights on your current leadership style, highlighting both your strengths and areas for improvement in the realm of gratitude-led leadership. Combining it with our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey will give you the tools, perspective, and daily practices necessary to evolve from an Emerging Appreciator to a Gratitude Steward.
Remember, showing appreciation is about sincerely acknowledging the hard work of others, and in doing so, you pave the way for a culture of mutual respect, collaboration, and loyalty. We look forward to partnering with you on this transformative journey.

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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

Congratulations, your recent Grateful Leader Quiz results categorize your leadership team as Progressive Gratifiers. This is an encouraging stage, wherein there is evident understanding and incorporation of gratitude and appreciation into your leadership style.
While you are implementing some key actions towards cultivating a culture of gratitude, there is still room for further development and refinement to reach the pinnacle of gratitude-led leadership. This journey so far showcases your team's commitment to progress and the value you place on expressing appreciation to your team.
To strengthen your strategies and continue nurturing your growth, we recommend participating in our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey. This expertly-designed program aims to firmly establish the habit of expressing gratitude within your operations, thereby enhancing team morale and productivity. The program emphasizes consistent gratitude practices that will promote impactful and genuine acknowledgment of employees' efforts.
To further your progress, we suggest leveraging the Grateful Leader 360™ tool, available at https://gratefulleader360.com. This potent resource provides comprehensive evaluation and feedback on your management style and techniques, illuminating the path towards more effective gratitude in leadership. Combined with the 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey, these resources form a robust arsenal to catapult you from the stage of Progressive Gratifier to becoming well-rounded Gratitude Stewards.
Your continuous journey towards effectively expressing gratitude assists in fostering a culture of appreciation and respect. We are excited to support you in your continuous growth and look forward to seeing you reach new heights of gratitude-led leadership.
While you are implementing some key actions towards cultivating a culture of gratitude, there is still room for further development and refinement to reach the pinnacle of gratitude-led leadership. This journey so far showcases your team's commitment to progress and the value you place on expressing appreciation to your team.
To strengthen your strategies and continue nurturing your growth, we recommend participating in our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey. This expertly-designed program aims to firmly establish the habit of expressing gratitude within your operations, thereby enhancing team morale and productivity. The program emphasizes consistent gratitude practices that will promote impactful and genuine acknowledgment of employees' efforts.
To further your progress, we suggest leveraging the Grateful Leader 360™ tool, available at https://gratefulleader360.com. This potent resource provides comprehensive evaluation and feedback on your management style and techniques, illuminating the path towards more effective gratitude in leadership. Combined with the 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey, these resources form a robust arsenal to catapult you from the stage of Progressive Gratifier to becoming well-rounded Gratitude Stewards.
Your continuous journey towards effectively expressing gratitude assists in fostering a culture of appreciation and respect. We are excited to support you in your continuous growth and look forward to seeing you reach new heights of gratitude-led leadership.

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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

We are pleased to acknowledge your fantastic achievement. Your Grateful Leader Quiz results categorize your leadership team as Gratitude Stewards, an impressive milestone in grateful leadership.
As Gratitude Stewards, you've excelled in creating a culture of appreciation within your team. You've consistently made your employees feel valued and appreciated and integrated gratitude into your day-to-day operations successfully. However, remember, even when you're at the summit, there's always a new peak to scale.
We encourage you to continue refining your gratitude execution by undertaking our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey. Even as leaders in the field, there are always nuances that can be explored further, and new gratitude practices to be adopted. This journey can inject new life into your processes, keeping your practices fresh and effectively impactful.
We also encourage you to explore our Grateful Leader 360™ tool, which you will find at https://gratefulleader360.com. Even as you foster a culture of gratitude, this tool can provide invaluable insights, allowing you to maintain your leadership edge and continue your innovation in gratitude-led leadership.
As you continue to master the art of gratitude, remember that the journey of gratitude mastery is about getting better and better at something that truly matters.
Leaving a positive, lasting impact on your team and contributing to their success is a rewarding journey in itself, and we appreciate your commitment to this noble endeavor. Keep the flame of gratitude alive, and watch it light up the enthusiasm, passion, and creativity in your team.
As Gratitude Stewards, you've excelled in creating a culture of appreciation within your team. You've consistently made your employees feel valued and appreciated and integrated gratitude into your day-to-day operations successfully. However, remember, even when you're at the summit, there's always a new peak to scale.
We encourage you to continue refining your gratitude execution by undertaking our 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey. Even as leaders in the field, there are always nuances that can be explored further, and new gratitude practices to be adopted. This journey can inject new life into your processes, keeping your practices fresh and effectively impactful.
We also encourage you to explore our Grateful Leader 360™ tool, which you will find at https://gratefulleader360.com. Even as you foster a culture of gratitude, this tool can provide invaluable insights, allowing you to maintain your leadership edge and continue your innovation in gratitude-led leadership.
As you continue to master the art of gratitude, remember that the journey of gratitude mastery is about getting better and better at something that truly matters.
Leaving a positive, lasting impact on your team and contributing to their success is a rewarding journey in itself, and we appreciate your commitment to this noble endeavor. Keep the flame of gratitude alive, and watch it light up the enthusiasm, passion, and creativity in your team.

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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

Based on your recent Grateful Leader Quiz results, your leadership team falls within the category of Gratitude Gap. This stage signifies a significant lack of gratitude expression within your leadership style and overall organizational culture.
While it may seem daunting, it provides an exceptionally compelling opportunity for substantial growth and development in fostering an appreciative culture. The initial step towards positive change is acknowledging areas of growth and thus, we commend you for taking that step by participating in this quiz.
If your senior leaders are serious about wanting to close the Gratitude Gap in your leadership and culture, then we should talk. The best place to start is probably with an initial consultation.
With a sincere commitment in place to grow gratitude and close that gap, we’ll find the path and develop a plan that makes sense. If gratitude isn’t a priority for your leaders, it’s good to know that now. We’re on a mission to infuse cultures and companies with gratitude. We’re not on a crusade to convert the unbelievers.
That path and plan may include the 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey for your senior leaders as a great next step. This immersive program is designed to instil a solid foundation of expressing regular, meaningful, and genuine gratitude. Infusing these practices within your leadership style as well as organization-wide can bolster morale, improve employee engagement, and amplify overall productivity.
In addition to this, we recommend you to explore the Grateful Leader 360 tool at https://gratefulleader360.com. This resource is instrumental in providing deeper insights into your current leadership approach and offer feedback for improvement. Utilizing these two tools in tandem equips you with the necessary knowledge and strategies to transition from a Gratitude Gap towards becoming a Gratitude Steward.
Remember, a culture of appreciation is instrumental in not just boosting morale and productivity, but also in cultivating a healthier, more engaged, and loyal workforce. We are here to support you in this transformative journey and look forward to witnessing your leadership evolution.
While it may seem daunting, it provides an exceptionally compelling opportunity for substantial growth and development in fostering an appreciative culture. The initial step towards positive change is acknowledging areas of growth and thus, we commend you for taking that step by participating in this quiz.
If your senior leaders are serious about wanting to close the Gratitude Gap in your leadership and culture, then we should talk. The best place to start is probably with an initial consultation.
With a sincere commitment in place to grow gratitude and close that gap, we’ll find the path and develop a plan that makes sense. If gratitude isn’t a priority for your leaders, it’s good to know that now. We’re on a mission to infuse cultures and companies with gratitude. We’re not on a crusade to convert the unbelievers.
That path and plan may include the 21-Day Gratitude Infusion Journey for your senior leaders as a great next step. This immersive program is designed to instil a solid foundation of expressing regular, meaningful, and genuine gratitude. Infusing these practices within your leadership style as well as organization-wide can bolster morale, improve employee engagement, and amplify overall productivity.
In addition to this, we recommend you to explore the Grateful Leader 360 tool at https://gratefulleader360.com. This resource is instrumental in providing deeper insights into your current leadership approach and offer feedback for improvement. Utilizing these two tools in tandem equips you with the necessary knowledge and strategies to transition from a Gratitude Gap towards becoming a Gratitude Steward.
Remember, a culture of appreciation is instrumental in not just boosting morale and productivity, but also in cultivating a healthier, more engaged, and loyal workforce. We are here to support you in this transformative journey and look forward to witnessing your leadership evolution.

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